Umbilical Cord

[2 hours left for my Kickstarter Campaign]

“To find the umbilical cord, one must first go back into the womb.”   p. 84 BABAYLAN, (Mendoza-Strobel)

When I was found, my umbilical cord was infected.  Despite the infected umbilical cord, I was in good health condition.  A trained “hilot” named Aleja, was called to the necessary cutting of the umbilical cord.  

Taken from my adoption papers.
Taken from my adoption papers.


Although my umbilical cord has been infected and cut, it doesn’t sever my ties back to where I came from.  This will be my journey going “back into darkness into intervals of pain and joy, denial, discovery, and reconciliation.” (Angel Velasco Shaw)


I invite you to join me on the rest of this journey to reach back as I move forward.

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